
How To Clean Wood Furniture With Scabies

How does scabies spread?

"Scabies is highly contagious, and person to person spread occurs via direct contact with the skin. Transfer from dress and bedding occurs rarely and merely if contaminated by infested people immediately beforehand." (quote from reference 1, lesser of this page)

What does that mean to you? It means the greatest adventure you confront is reinfecting yourself by contacting clothes and sheets and towels you recently wore. Others will only grab it from you by extended pare contact or wearing or using fabric items you recently used.

Treating laundry, furniture, rugs and cars for scabies mites

Image of scabies mite and eggs

Credit: the higher up photo is a microscopic picture of i scabies mite (lower left), eggs and carrion (poop) under the skin. Prototype from:

Treating article of clothing, sheets and towels

Hither is the key thing to know: dry out, high heat kills the mites and their eggs. Only make sure the laundry is completely dry, considering y'all are literally drying out the mites and their eggs to kill them.

To kill all the mites and eggs that might be in your laundry, prepare the heat to high and the timer to at  to the lowest degree thirty minutes. Turn on the dryer and either permit it run the consummate fourth dimension or you can take information technology out when twenty minutes have elapsed.

In a study, dry oestrus over 122 degrees F (l degrees C) for over 10 minutes killed the mites and their eggs. Dryers go to 150 degrees on high heat. The last 10 minutes of a drying bicycle is usually a cool down flow, and then I don't count that equally high rut. That's why I say "at least 30 minutes" on loftier heat. That will mean 20 minutes on loftier heat and 10 minutes of absurd downward. You can remove laundry after the first 20 minutes if you lot are in a hurry.

You can test your dryer's temperature using a meat thermometer. Run some dry laundry on high estrus to allow the dryer oestrus up. Then put the temperature probe in amongst the hot clothes to see if it gets over 122 degrees F (40 degrees C). One guy I corresponded with discovered his dryer wasn't getting hot enough. He probably could have just opened the back and cleaned out the lint to get it running amend, but chose to buy a new dryer. Regardless, information technology'southward good to know if your dryer is killing the mites and eggs.

Don't wash your laundry first. If you do y'all volition accept to completely dry your laundry and so run information technology on high heat for some other 30 minutes. Information technology'due south all-time to put dry out (dirty) laundry in the dryer commencement. Later that you tin can wash information technology if y'all want to, but yous don't have to.

Just throw blankets, bed pad, towels, quilts and pillows in the dryer before reusing them. Information technology would exist crazy to be washing and drying those large things every day! Don't piece of work any harder than you have to. Save your fourth dimension and energy for doing the handling program.

In general, whatever mites or eggs on your vesture or sheets will die in 2 days. Mites simply die if they are off a human being for longer than a couple days. So if you lot only leave clothes, towels and sheets in a drawer or on a shelf they volition "self-decontaminate". There is no need to put things in bags. Mites tin can alive longer than 2 days in low temperatures and very high humidity, and so to be on the condom side, leave unused vesture alone for 4 to 7 days. If you don't want to wait a couple days to re-use an item, just treat it in the dryer.

So it makes sense to select a few days' or a weeks' worth of clothes, sheets, etc to clothing and employ while doing the scabies treatment and put the residuum bated until y'all are cured. No need to be laundering huge piles of stuff if yous don't have to.

NOTE: how to care for piece of furniture with permethrin spray, where to get it, and DIY recipes follow subsequently this list of the 5 cures for scabies.

The 5 proven cures for scabies

5% permethrin foam or lotion

x% sulfur lotion

Ivermectin pills or paste (or moxidectin )

25% benzyl benzoate lotion

Eurax cream or balm (ten% crotamiton)

Treating rugs and furniture

Rugs and furniture are not usually infective with normal scabies. They rarely conduct any scabies mites or eggs. Yous don't have to care for rugs or curtains or counters.

Rugs and furniture are more often than not only infective in cases of crusted scabies. Look at the instance photos below of crusted scabies. Information technology is very rare and you probably don't have it. If you practise have what look similar crusted scabies, go to a hospital to be treated.

In normal case of scabies ane ordinarily has 5 to 20 alive mites. I know information technology feels like more than than that, but all that itching is due to the allergic reaction from the mite's past products, not from the bodily, alive mites. Your immune organization actually kills of most of the new mites that hatch. Those surviving mites "want" to stay on you lot because they'll die if they are off y'all a couple days. Your body is like a boat in the ocean. The mites only go out to transfer to another transport (some other human torso).

With crusted scabies the person has thousands of live mites. They literally ooze or baste mites all over and can the source of repeating scabies epidemics. Normally information technology is diabetics or others with severely impaired immune systems who develop crusted scabies.

Photo of Sawyer's 1/2% permethrin spray bottle - click to order
Photo of Sawyer's 1/2% permethrin spray bottle - click to order

32 ounce bottle of 10% permethrin

 (higher up) makes nigh 5 gallons of 1/ii%

Does Non contain petroleum distillates

You don't need to treat furniture, rugs or your bed with insecticides, but you can vacuum cloth furniture and rugs if it makes you feel calmer. Also you can make a ane/2% solution of permethrin and h2o and spray cloth furniture and car seats if it makes you lot feel better. I did that because I was truly paranoid. See the side by side section for instructions.

Too I wanted to feel safer and exist considerate of others, and so I picked a chair to sit in when I watched TV or used my computer and put either a towel or a blanket over information technology. Later I saturday there, I tossed the blanket in the dryer for 30 minutes. Lots of people sat in my La-Z-Male child chair and no i ever caught scabies from me.

Motorcar seats (and my cloth part chair)

Car seats are furniture in your auto. They are unlikely to take any mites or eggs.

You tin buy a permethrin spray intended specifically for clothing. Click here to buy pre-mixed Sawyer 1/two% permethrin spray at Amazon. Y'all can as well mix it up from concentrate (see recipe below).

It's simple to use. Y'all just spray it on the fabric until it is visibly moisture. Afterward spraying, I let it air dry before using the car or chair. Practise this in the garage or the shade considering sunlight degrades permethrin. It didn't stain or discolor my motorcar seats, but test it on an camouflaged area if you desire to be sure.

Recollect, permethrin is very toxic to cats, fish and bees when it is wet. Once it is dry out information technology is condom. But go on your cats away while you are spraying it effectually and until it dries.

I mixed upwards my ain spray solution by purchasing permethrin concentrate and adding water to dilute it to .5% (half percentage) to spray on cloth furniture. I used both 10% and 36.8% concentrates. The 36.8% permethrin contains petroleum distillates (something like mineral spirits), and then you will need to let things air dry outside for around xvi hours to dissipate the slight mineral spirits smell. I didn't notice any scent, but some folks are more sensitive. The 10% permethrin I bought contained no petroleum distillates and so there is no mineral spirits" smell at all.

You can look on the characterization (come across samples, below) to see if it says "Contains petroleum distillates". To me, the "petroleum distillates" smells like mineral spirits, which can irritate skin. That'due south why you have to allow it dry…to evaporate that out and non take it get on your peel or your pet'due south skin. Some folks are bothered by the odor, so open windows or do information technology outdoors. Petroleum distillates can really irritate one's skin, but in one case it has dried it's fine.

Manifestly the no petroleum type is better for anything that might contact your skin.

Picture of permethrin labels showing which contains petroleum distillates
Photo of Sawyer's 1/2% permethrin spray bottle - click to order

Recipes for 1/2% permethrin spray

To make 1 half gallon (or 2 liters) of 0.5% solution.

Using 36.viii% permethrin concentrate

(Note: it may say "Permethrin SFR" on the canteen).

1/2 gallon water + 1 ounces 36.8% permethrin =

‍    65 ounces of 0.51% concentration

(NOTE: 1 ounce = 2 tablespoons)

Price $.85 per ounce ten 1 = $.85


ii liters water + 10 ml 36.8% permethrin =

‍    most ii liters of 0.5% permethrin

Using ten% permethrin concentrate

1/2 gallon water + 3.five oz 10% Permethrin =

‍    68 oz at 0.five% concentration

(Annotation: iii.5 ounces is one tablespoon less than ane/2 loving cup)

COST $.75 per ounce x 3.v = $2.62


2 liters water + 100 ml 10% permethrin =

‍    2.1 liters at 0.5% concentration

Obviously 36.8% permethrin is more than economic, just it does contains petroleum products (something like mineral spirits) so y'all don't want to apply this stuff directly to your skin. It costs 3 times equally much if you use 10% permethrin concentrate, merely it contains no petroleum distillates. Before you order AND when yous get the permethrin concentrate, look at the characterization…if it contains petroleum distillates information technology should say and then on the label.

Photo of Sawyer's 1/2% permethrin spray bottle - click to order

32 ounce bottle of 10% permethrin

‍ (above) makes nigh five gallons of 1/2%

Does NOT comprise petroleum distillates

Detailed data

"Manual of scabies mites between hosts is largely via direct skin contact, while in that location is conflicting evidence regarding the office of fomites. [Note: "fomites" are objects and materials such as apparel, utensils or furniture]

Early on human being experimentation indicated that fomites were not likely to contribute significantly to transmission, with only ii cases of scabies recorded in volunteers from 63 experiments involving exposure to the bedding or vesture of infected patients (Mellanby, 1941). All the same, it was noted that blankets were considered by some at the fourth dimension as the chief means of manual, particularly in the Army (Mellanby, 1941). Farther human being experimentation resulted in merely iv cases of scabies from 272 volunteers who got into warm beds recently vacated by infested patients (Mellanby, 1944).

Scabies mites take greatest survival away from a host in conditions of low temperature and high relative humidity. Mites have been shown to remain infective later on up to 36 hours away from the host at 22- 24°C [72-75°F] and 40-80% relative humidity, with the time taken for subsequent penetration into the skin as a function of the time off the host (Arlian et al., 1984a, Arlian et al., 1989). Female person tritonymphs [note: tritonymphs are mature adults that can lay eggs — this takes almost 14 days afterwards hatching] have been reported to survive every bit long as nineteen days at x°C [fifty°F] and 97% relative humidity (Arlian et al., 1989). This survival coupled with the recovery of live mites from the homes of scabies cases (Arlian et al., 1988) indicates that fomites may have a part in transmission.

It is probable that straight peel contact is the most important way of transmission in cases of ordinary scabies, while fomites may likewise play a role in transmission from crusted scabies cases, in which extremely high numbers of mites are present (Section v.two.2)."

from Advances in Parasitology, Book 79, page 342, 2012


1. Walker GJA, Johnstone PW. Interventions for treating scabies. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2000;(3): CD000320. (doi:.) doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD000320.

2. CDC Center for Disease Control — Scabies Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How To Clean Wood Furniture With Scabies,


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